Sunday Recap - Time Won’t Tell

Recap from Sunday, December 10, 2023

Sunday Recap outlines sermon notes, testimonies, and announcements to encourage you throughout your week and inspire you to fear less and love more.

Time Won’t Tell

Sometimes I don’t see God the first time. As much as I would like to think that my tenure with God grants me special access to full revelation of Him, every turn in life serves a reminder that I am still human and in need of God’s guidance.

The same is true for all of us. Honestly, sometimes we just miss God. What we thought was Him, his presence, favor, approval, or gift turns out to be quite opposite of what we expected. No one in love saw the marriage ending in divorce. The school-aged athlete competing at the top of their division didn’t consider not getting the scholarship. Sometimes our faith is high but the outcome is different.

When life takes continual, unexpected turns, at some point your hope fails and you just want God to give you a sign. Wouldn’t it be nice, if God would just show us that we’re on the right track? Wouldn’t life be exciting if God would just let us know if the next move or relationship will be a waste of our time?

God understands the concern of humanity to desire a sign. On Sunday, we continued with part two of our Advent series with a sermon called “Time Won’t Tell”. Looking at [John 14:8-9] we discovered the following three truths:

  1. It’s possible to have a relationship with God, and be unsatisfied 😲 [John 14:8]

  2. God only asks questions to increase our curiosity to seek Him, not because he doesn’t know the answer. [John 14:9]

  3. Time does not reveal God. You have to go find Him. [Hebrews 11:6]

Jesus’ own students had walked with him for three years and still had doubts as to whether or not He was the Messiah. Jesus asking Philip hadn’t he been with him long enough was to teach us that time didn’t secure the disciples faith in Jesus. This should serve as a reminder that time passing doesn’t ensure a better relationship with God. Your passion to know him does. Your relentless faith to pursue him will reveal him, not the clock. You will only find him if you seek Him.

In your own life, there are doors that God is opening up for you and your family. God’s character is to reveal opportunities to those ready and waiting. Otherwise, the dynamics of our relationship is off and we’re inadvertently demanding that he does the work of faith for us.

Imagine what would happen if we all spent the next seven days asking the hard questions? What would happen to your life if you dealt with your doubts head on? I have an idea…if you seek, you will find what you’re looking for.

As we approach the annual celebration of his first coming (Advent), let this be your reminder that hundreds of thousands missed the King because he came in a manger and not in a palace. Don’t miss His next move in your life!

Diligently seek (investigate and search for) him! His redemption draws near.

Virtual Christmas Eve Service

Next Sunday, on Christmas Eve, join us virtually at 10 am from the comfort of your home (or timeshare) as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Registration for the service is required as the Zoom will not be publicly broadcasted to protect the sacredness of the worship moment. Register now.

NOTE: There will be no in-person worship.

Worship This Week

If you’re looking to add some worship to your week, here is the playlist from last Sunday and one new song for next Sunday.

See you next Sunday,
Pastor Marcus


Welcome Dr. Anita Phillips to Speak Up


The Price of Peace