Sunday Recap - God Is Giving You An Escape Plan
Your planning this year is prophetic. You will have what you plan for!

Let’s Celebrate the New Year Together
Join us for New Year's Eve service, Sunday, December 31st at 7PM!

Christmas Eve Service at Home
Join us virtually at 10AM on Christmas Eve for a special service, at home. Registration is required.

Welcome Dr. Anita Phillips to Speak Up
The women of Fearless Love Church are honored to welcome Dr. Anita Phillips to Speak Up!

The Price of Peace
Peace does not come when everybody gets what they want. It requires something far more expensive than desire.

Sunday Recap - God Is With Us
Ending seasons with people we love is never easy. However, Jesus promised us a solution for the loneliest of times - Himself, the Comforter.

Sunday Recap - Does God Care About This?
Have you considered that it’s often harder to ask God for the small things rather than the bigger, more obvious requests?

Sunday Recap - My Dad Is At Work
No day is too holy or important for God not to work on our behalf. God is always working and never rests until his work is done.