Sunday Recap - God Is Giving You An Escape Plan

Recap from Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Recap outlines sermon notes, testimonies, and announcements to encourage you throughout your week and inspire you to fear less and love more.

What I See in 2024

I’ve shared this conviction in person since New Year’s eve service and will also do here: I am convinced through inspiration of the Holy Spirit that this year we will see God’s people enter into prepared places. However, in order for God to take us to greener pastures, we will walk through valleys.

There will be valleys this year, but take heart. God is leading you through them to arrive in spaces and places of provision. He desires for us to trust Him as our good shepherd and live with confidence that He can see beyond what we can. Our plans for this year must include his wisdom and direction.

God Is Giving You An Escape Plan

Sunday, we continued with the third part of our January sermon series: Prepared Places with a message entitled “God Is Giving You an Escape Plan”. While we’ve focused on this truth for the past two weeks, this week I underscored how even though God’s plan supersedes ours, we still have a responsibility to plan as it reflects our faith and discipline to align with God’s will.

You may be in a dark, stuck place in your life, but rest assured, God is giving you an escape plan! This is reflected in the life of Jeremiah. Despite his imprisonment for prophesying Israel's destruction, his situation was not God's final destination for him. See [Jeremiah 32:6-15]

The main point that I left everyone with was that planning is prophetic.

If we plan, according to God’s will, then we will have some version of what we hoped for. The inverse is also true. If we don’t plan, then we’ll have nothing. For Jeremiah, purchasing land while imprisoned was prophetic. It revealed God’s plan for a future date for Israel to be able to purchase property in war-torn land. Your planning this year is prophetic. You will have what you plan for!

This week, commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. [Proverbs 16:3]


Sermon Audio is Now Available

Yes, you heard that correctly. Sunday’s sermons can now be replayed on our podcast!

That means you can listen to last Sunday’s Sermon “God Is Giving You An Escape Plan” wherever you are.


Congrats to Dr. Wilson!

We would like to congratulate Dr. Clinton Wilson on making the Triad Business Journal 40 Leaders Under Forty 2024 list. He is the Chief Officer of Student Services, Winston Salem / Forsyth County Schools and a member of Fearless Love Church.

If you’re interested in learning more about the ceremony and his accomplishments click here.

Welcoming Dr. Aimee Motley to Speak Up

We’re so honored that Dr. Aimee Motley will be sharing at the Speak Up Women’s Conference!

Dr. Aimee Motley, a dedicated nurse with over a decade of experience, holds a Doctorate of Nursing Practice from Gardner-Webb University. Specializing in cardiac care and complex medical scenarios as a case manager, she now serves as an instructor at UNCG School of Nursing. As a health and wellness coach, Dr. Motley empowers individuals to change their health trajectory.

Dr. Aimee will be facilitating a session on "Body Talk": understanding how to listen to your body and advocate for your health in accordance with your faith. Registration ends soon, so register today.

Sunday Service This Sunday (Location Announcement)

If you’re looking to add some worship to your week, here is the playlist from last Sunday and one new song for this Sunday. Please note that we will be in the gym this Sunday and not in Berry Hall.

See you Sunday,
Pastor Marcus


Tips for Sharing Jesus in Everyday Life


Let’s Celebrate the New Year Together