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Fearless Love podcast

God Is Giving You an Escape Plan
Pastor Marcus Pastor Marcus

God Is Giving You an Escape Plan

In “God Is Giving You an Escape Plan,” Pastor Marcus revealed how planning is prophetic. As we learn to commit our actions to the Lord, our plans will succeed.

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God Will Prove It
Pastor Marcus Pastor Marcus

God Will Prove It

In “God Will Prove It” Pastor Marcus taught on how proving ourselves to other people gets us off course of God’s plan for our lives. Whatever He has preordained to happen for us, will happen on His terms, not ours.

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Look Up and See
Fearless Love Fearless Love

Look Up and See

In “Look Up and See,” Pastor Marcus reminds through Abraham’s life and faith test that God has already made provision for every need. However, it’s our responsibility to be in the right “place” to discover what he has already prepared.

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