Millions of women bear the weight of silenced stories, unheard dreams, and suppressed perspectives. The effort to break free from societal expectations can be exhausting, resulting in many voices remaining hidden in the shadows and many gifts from God not properly used.

However, God hears your voice. He says to you, “I know you. I know when you get up and when you lie down. And there is not a word on your tongue that I do not already know.” [Psalm 139:3-4] God wants you to use your voice!

The worst thing that you can do is become silenced, live in silence and remain silent. God speaks to us through His word and he speaks through us through His Holy Spirit. Your silence means God’s voice is silent.

This conference isn’t about building your social status. It’s about building your voice. This is your invitation to “Speak Up!”

-Tammy Battle
Co-Founder of Fearless Love Church

Welcome flyer highlighting Dr. Anita Phillips as a keynote speaker

Dr. Anita Philllips

Keynote Speaker (Sat 2/24)

Dr. Anita Phillips is a trauma therapist, life coach, and minister. Widely recognized as a thought leader at the intersection of mental health, faith, and culture, Dr. Anita holds degrees from the University of Maryland and Regent University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is a dynamic speaker and podcast host who adores her family and friends, a good pint of ice cream, and sitting by the ocean.

Dr. Anita will be addressing “What’s On Your Mind?”: mental and heart blockers that prevent women from speaking up spiritually and practically.

dr. Aimee Motley

guest facilitator (Sat. 2/24)

Dr. Aimee Motley, a dedicated nurse with over a decade of experience, holds a Doctorate of Nursing Practice from Gardner-Webb University. Specializing in cardiac care and complex medical scenarios as a case manager, she now serves as an instructor at UNCG School of Nursing. As a health and wellness coach, Dr. Motley empowers individuals to change their health trajectory. Beyond the realm of healthcare, you'll find her advocating for self-prioritization through the art of self-care. When she is not immersed in the world of health, you might catch her indulging in her favorite me-time activity—reading a good book.

Dr. Aimee will be facilitating a session on “Body Talk”: how to listen to your body and advocate for your health according to your faith.

What to expect?

Friday, February 23rd, 2024

7 PM - 9PM Catered Dinner by Ruth’s Chris™, Awards, & Keynote (Semi-Formal)

Saturday, February 24th, 2024

9:30 AM - Noon Breakfast, Health Session by Dr. Aimee, and Keynote by Dr. Anita Phillips.

Ruth's Chris Steak House Logo

All activities will be held on-site at 5400 Old Lake Jeanette Rd, Greensboro, NC. If you’re traveling from out of town, hotel accommodations are available upon request.

Why is the enemy trying to silence you?

My life has been filled with seasons of attacks meant to silence me, and so has yours…

When I was 17 years old I became extremely ill. One moment I was a regular teenager, the next I wasn’t. It was believed that I had a reaction to a spider bite. My family later discovered that it was the beginning of a chronic illness that would cause me to miss over 100 days of my senior year of high school.

Little did I know how different my life would be after this moment occurred. But what stood out the most was not the illness itself, but the incidents that followed.

One night while being in the hospital during my 30+ days stay, a nurse entered my room and attempted to force a pill down my throat by placing it in my mouth and holding her hand over my mouth. At this point my weight had drastically dropped down to 80lbs. With very little strength from losing so much blood and fighting off infections, I wasn’t strong enough to voice my fears. She repeatedly told me that I would die! I couldn’t push her, and a scream was no where to be found.

I remembered only having enough strength to silently pray that I would get past that moment and be able to speak for myself. After a while she suddenly let go and left the room.

While your story may not be as extreme, there are literal and spiritual attacks silencing God’s voice in your life. The enemy knows that if you can speak up, the world will change.

God already promised that “your daughters will prophesy” [Joel 2:28] and many of us are drowning in the silence. Sister in Christ, it’s time to speak up.



  • Tickets are $48 per person, regardless of age. Registration costs will cover a catered dinner, breakfast, and swag bags.

  • Yes! Groups of 10 or more may email to request group rates.

  • The content of Speak Up is rated PG, so the event is open to women of all ages. We encourage you to bring your older daughters so that they can receive God’s grace with you.

  • Awesome! We are excited to announce that child care will be provided for school-aged children only. Please indicate your need for child care on your registration form.

  • Friday’s attire is semi-formal. This is your opportunity to treat yourself to fine dining, laughs, and new memories. Do it in style.

    Saturday, feel free to dress casually. Our sessions and workshops will be impactful and interactive.

  • We believe that Speak Up will be a sacred space for healing and breakthrough for many women. To accomplish this, we are requesting the men in our life to support with their prayers.

  • It is our desire to use this time to prioritize empowerment of our attendees. Therefore, we are omitting vendors in lieu of corporate sponsorships. If interested, in partnering with our church for promotions or in-kind donations, email