Sunday Recap - God Is With Us

Recap from Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sunday Recap outlines sermon notes, testimonies, and announcements to encourage you throughout your week and inspire you to fear less and love more.

God Is With Us

Yesterday was Thanksgiving, a day of mixed emotions for many. Some found joy in introducing new family members, while others remembered those who are no longer with us.

Regardless of whether you celebrated or grieved, it's universally challenging to feel alone. Regrettably, certain days, like Thanksgiving, can amplify this feeling more than others.

God understands this human condition, as he experienced it with his own disciples (students). After prophesying his own death, resurrecting after three days, and communing for forty more, he delivered the heart breaking news that He had to leave them in human form.

What an ending to three and a half years of world changing life together!

It reminds us that ending seasons with people we love is never easy. Often times, the absence of someone’s presence is replaced with the feeling of abandonment. Fortunately, just as with his students, Jesus offered a gift to alleviate any feelings of loneliness — Himself.

Today, we reflect on the promise of God, the Holy Ghost (Spirit), and how He is often closer than we realize. See [John 14:15-18]

Here are the three (3) points to keep with you as embrace the presence and activity of the Holy Ghost (Spirit) in your life:

  1. The Holy Ghost will NEVER leave us [John 14:16] - Jesus had to leave his students. It was never God’s will to exist in human form forever. However, God’s care for not only his students, but us as well, is that He never wants to leave us feeling abandoned. This is His promise. That regardless of where life takes us, He won’t leave us.

  2. He lives INSIDE of us [John 14:17]- One of the greatest misconceptions of the Holy Ghost is that He solely exists outside of us. This is not the Old Covenant where the Spirit of God only came upon people. He does not just fill rooms or churches. He is not simply a force or power. He is God. He is an active participant of the Godhead and literally lives within us.

  3. His purpose is to COMFORT us [John 14:18] - The Holy Ghost is not only our Comforter. He is our intercessor. He prays within us to advocate on our behalf. He makes having a relationship with God both easy and possible. This is also how He’s a present help in trouble. He will pray for us, even when we don’t know the words to pray ourself.

My prayer is that our mindset around who God is as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is radically changed. That we see the work and heart of the Father in the Old Covenant, The compassion and work of the Son in the New, and the proximity and transformation of the Holy Ghost today.

He is not only with you. He is in you.

This fundamental difference cancels every lie of the orphan spirit sent from Satan. You are not only loved. You are cared for by God, from the inside out.

Sunday Worship This Weekend

Understanding that some of you may have family in town or have returned from Thanksgiving, we will be holding worship this Sunday at 10am. If you're a member of Fearless Love Church and unable to attend, reply to this email. We'll provide you with a private Zoom link for Sunday Worship.

Speak Up Women’s Conference

In case you're not aware, our first conference, "Speak Up," conceived by our co-founder Tammy Battle, will take place next February 2024.

This conference isn’t about elevating your social status as a woman. It’s about learning to echo the voice of God in your everyday life. Not allowing the enemy or inner-me to silence you and limit you to the shadows.

Registration is open now and seats are filling up! Learn more and register today.

See you next Sunday,
Pastor Marcus


The Price of Peace


Sunday Recap - Does God Care About This?