Sunday Recap - Does God Care About This?

Recap from Sunday, November 5, 2023

Sunday Recap outlines sermon notes, testimonies, and announcements to encourage you throughout your week and inspire you to fear less and love more.

Does God Care About This?

Have you considered that it’s often harder to ask God for the small things rather than the bigger, more obvious requests?

Sometimes, we only pray for “significant” matters because, subconsciously, we think that if they don't come to pass, we can attribute the failure to God and the size of the request. This is our way of unconsciously creating a way to protect ourselves from disappointment or taking responsibility for the outcome.

I want to directly challenge your theology today, that God cares about the small things as well as the big. He wants to heal your body and help you pass the test. He wants you to graduate and pay the bill.

Often, something small will come to interrupt your joy immediately after you’ve experienced great success. It’s all to remind you that whether you’re in the mountain or the valley, God cares. See [Matthew 17:24-27]

Here are four (4) points to keep with you as trust God in every area of your life:

  1. God cares about every thing [Phillipians 4:5-6] - God wants us to be filled with true joy. However, our joy is directly associated with what we pray about AND thank God for. Prayer about every thing + praise for what God has done = joy. If we omit even the smallest things from our prayers, we leave room for complaining and complaining steals our joy.

  2. Jesus cares because he’s our brother [Hebrews 2:11-12]- King David prophesied that the Messiah would be an elder brother to God’s children. This is why as God the Son, Jesus cares about the well being of his ****siblings.

  3. Jesus is the brother born for adversity [Proverbs 17:17] - A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Jesus is our brother born for adversity. He came into the world to advocate and fight on our behalf.

  4. No problem is too small [Matthew 17:27] - Take time and consider all of the little steps that God goes through to bless you. There is no blessing that happens by coincidence. Even the smallest blessings are the result of intentional work from God.

We learned last week that God desires for us to call Him Father. This week we saw that God desires a closeness to us as a brother protects his younger siblings. He is our advocate. He is our defender. He is our present help in every time of trouble.

As the Psalmist reminds us “Oh what peace we often forfeit. Oh what needless pains we bear. All because we do not carry. Every thing to God in prayer.”

So the answer is “Yes!” God cares about “this.” Whatever your this is.

No Service This Sunday

Due to a prior commitment of the facilities we use for worship, there will be no service this Sunday, November 12th.

Instead, all members will be meeting offsite for a fellowship luncheon. This event is private and registration is already at capacity for existing members.

We look forward to worshipping with everyone the following Sunday, November 19th at 10 am.

Let’s worship

If you’re looking to add some worship to your week, here is the playlist from last Sunday.

“Joy” - Housefires

“Everything” - Tye Tribbett

See you next Sunday,
Pastor Marcus


Sunday Recap - God Is With Us


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