Sunday Recap - My Dad Is At Work

Recap from Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday Recap outlines sermon notes, testimonies, and announcements to encourage you throughout your week and inspire you to fear less and love more.

My Dad is at Work

It is possible to be acquainted with someone, but not truly know them. You might even live with someone without really knowing them. Similarly, it's possible to have knowledge of God without truly knowing him.

In a family, spouses can become so busy with work that they may not notice changes within each other. The children can be so busy in extracurricular activities until the parents miss opportunities to learn that they're being bullied. Friends can be so focused on themselves that they miss what the other person is going through.

With God, we can be so busy that it’s easy for us to miss what he wants out of a relationship with us. Spoiler alert, God has always desired that we would have a relationship with him where we call him “Father.” [Jeremiah 3:19]

Unfortunately, for many of God’s children, there is a question of not only who God is, but what is he doing? Sunday, we learned that God as Father is always at work. His “absence” is not like humanity’s. If we can’t find him, he is always acting as a good father, working behind the scenes on our behalf. See [John 5:16-18]

Here are the three (3) points to keep with you as get to know God as your father:

  1. Changes in our lives reveal another side of God [Isaiah 6:1] - We learn different sides of God based on what we’re going through. For instance, it’s hard to say you know him as a healer if you’ve never been sick. With God, the need of a savior introduced God’s son to the world and revealed God as a father. We never really understood God as Father until we saw Him as God the Son.

  2. It’s possible to have knowledge of God, but not know him [John 5:16] - We should never conclude that we have learned everything there is to know about God. God himself revealed that despite of the many sides of himself he showed humanity, there remained a strong desire for humanity to call him father. [Jeremiah 3:19]

  3. God’s purpose reveals my purpose [John 5:17]- Jesus was clear that his works were only a reflection of what God was doing. He showed us directly that He and God the Father’s purpose were the same, and so should ours be as well. We trust him to work on our behalf and in return, we work on the things that are within our control.

The good news we have today is that God is a good father. He is never absent. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day were wrong. No day is too holy or important for God not to work on our behalf. I am so glad that he is always working. He never rests until his work is done. If you can’t mark his miracle, then know that he is still working on your behalf.

Remember, a good father never returns home without provision 😫🙌🏾

Pastoral Installation This Saturday!

We are so excited about this upcoming weekend. In addition to our regularly scheduled service on Sunday, on this Saturday, November 4th at 5PM, I will be officially installed as lead pastor of Fearless Love Church. Additionally, the church will publicly be confirmed by a witness of family, friends, and clergy from the community.

As always, dress comfortable enough to worship God freely and impressive to you, but not your neighbor ;-)

Worship for the Week

If you’re looking to add some worship to your week, here is the playlist from last Sunday.

See you next Sunday,
Pastor Marcus


Sunday Recap - Does God Care About This?


Sunday Recap - Can You See Me?