Sunday Recap - Can You See Me?

Recap From Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday Recap outlines sermon notes, testimonies, and announcements to encourage you throughout your week and inspire you to fear less and love more.

Can You See Me?

Everyone wants to be seen, and by that I mean truly seen by God. There is no worse feeling than existing and feeling ignored, especially during your most vulnerable moments of need.

After a while, when we experience continued neglect from society – sometimes even from friends and family – it creates doubt within us that God Himself doesn't see us.

Satan takes advantage of moments of neglect to reinforce the belief that our prayers are not being heard, especially when humans are the agents of change responsible for sharing love with one another.

Jesus emphasized the significance of visibility and how it alters our priorities when we witness our fellow humans in need. He illustrated this point through the story of the "Good Samaritan."

In our last pillar of “love more,” we reviewed our 6th value: serve all. We were challenged to see ourselves as the one robbed of life and learn how Christ’s love served us in our most vulnerable moments. See Luke 10:25-37

Here are the three (3) points to keep with you as you strive to become more compassionate:

  1. God sees all [Psalm 139:1-6] - There is nothing hidden from God. Even when we’re convinced that our prayers are being ignored, He sees and knows all. King David’s conclusion was that “You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.”

  2. Seeing invokes action [Luke 10:33] - Seeing is more than looking. Seeing invokes action. Turning away from those in need does not change the fact that we still saw the need. It only proves that the flow of love is blocked in our hearts.

  3. Anybody is worthy of help [Luke 10:36-37] - Jesus is the Good Samaritan. Humanity is the one heading towards danger. God has not only seen us, but has attended to our failures. He has shown mercy on us all.

Every day, we are to live with mindfulness that we love Him (and others), because he has first loved us. If you’ve received God’s mercy, you should be willing to share that mercy with someone else in need. This is how we serve all.

No Worship this Sunday - Sonday™ of service instead

Our mission is to solve our community's toughest problems in Jesus' name. To achieve this, we allocate 15% of every dollar received towards reaching this goal.

When we outlined the vision of the church, we decided that at least every two months, we would replace our traditional worship service with local missions. We call this effort, Sonday™ of service.

This Sunday, October 22nd, we will be having our first Sonday™. If you are visiting, please keep in mind that we will spend the majority of the time assembling care packages for a senior living community that we’ve partnered with. It’s national Make-A-Difference day, and we’re going to intentionally remind this community that they are loved and not forgotten.

We will resume regular worship services the following Sunday, October 29th at 10am.

Pastoral Installation on Nov. 4th

Hard to believe, but in just a few weeks, we will be celebrating our 3-month anniversary! To mark this milestone, we will be hosting a special worship service to officially install our pastor, Marcus Battle, as the lead pastor of Fearless Love Church. We have already received confirmation from many pastors, educators, family, and friends who will be attending. The only person missing is you! Please click the flyer for more details.

See you next Sunday,
Pastor Marcus


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