Sunday Recap - Believe Anyway

Sunday Recap outlines sermon notes, testimonies, and announcements to encourage you throughout your week and inspire you to fear less and love more.

Believe Anyway

There are moments in life when failure occurs so frequently that it feels safer to avoid trying than to trust God again. In those times you can pray and heaven is silent. You can try and nothing happens.

Sunday, we learned that this is often by God’s design – that in your darkest moments, God will go “silent.”

In our final pillar of fearing less, we reviewed our 3rd value: believe anyway. It means that in life we take risks, seek truth, and even when we fail at trying, believe that God can do it anyway. This reduces fear within our lives and brings us into confidence with God. See Luke 18:2-8

Here are three (3) points to keep with you as you dare to try again and believe anyway:

  1. Limitations are not the whole story [Luke 18:2] - Even when the odds are stacked against you, that’s not the whole story. With God’s grace, there’s always more. Your failures, imperfections, and limitations don’t dictate God’s ability to move.

  2. Even when the truth is bad, trust God [Luke 18:3] - Sometimes, the truth is that things are “that bad.” Even then, there’s always a “yet” on the other side. It may be true that God hasn’t come through, yet.

  3. Real power is discovered in your persistence [Luke 18:5] - You can’t force a miracle. True miracles are revealed when you decide to never give up and believe against all odds.

God is not ignoring your tears in this process. His silence reveals his desire for your enemies and obstacles to submit to his power [2 Peter 3:9] and time for you to learn what it means to believe anyway [1 Peter 5:10]. “At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen” Isaiah 60:22 NLT

Friends & Family Day

I’m excited to share with you that Fearless Love Church is having our first “Friends & Family” day in two weeks. Immediately following service, we will have food and games for the entire family (including a video game truck)!

This event is open to the public and we’d love for you to be our guest.


Worship for the Week

If you’re looking to add some worship to your week, here is the playlist from last Sunday and one new songs we’ll introduce this week.

See you next Sunday,
Pastor Marcus


Sunday Recap - Love Is The Difference


Sunday Recap - I Found The Answer