Sunday Recap - I Found The Answer

From Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sunday Recap outlines sermon notes, testimonies, and announcements to encourage you throughout your week and inspire you to fear less and love more.

This is the Gospel

Last Sunday was “different.” Not because it was our 5th week of consecutive worship, but the atmosphere just felt “freer.” I still have vivid memories of our youth dancing and leading during praise and worship to “This is the Gospel.” It was a simple reminder that we don’t have to wait until a special day to bring everybody into God’s freedom. The Gospel is good news and the good news is that there is a God who loves us.

I Found The Answer

For the next 3 weeks I’m teaching a series on our church’s six (6) values that make up our motto “Fear less. Love more.”

The second value we covered this week was: Seek Truth. We learned the relationship between taking risks and having accurate information. How God’s promises will never be actualized if we don’t evaluate all of the areas of our unbelief. It is truth about our fears that frees us and brings us to a place of confidence in what we’re striving to accomplish in Jesus’ name.

There are times when we are desperately searching to figure out why we cannot get to that next place in life. Times where we’ve realized that no matter how many books we purchase, talks we have, or events empower us, there’s still something left that leaves us searching for “the answer.” Often, that answer is simply: we don’t believe. This is how is’t possible for us to excel in one area and fail in another, because we don’t know that we can actually do it. If God calls us to it, then he will empower us to accomplish it.

Here are the three (3) points to keep with you this week as you explore the areas holding back you from believing that God called you to his work:

  1. Lack of information restricts our freedom [John 8:32] - The wrong information creates bondage in our life. We will always default to what we believe as there’s no amount of motivation that can help us escape the information that controls us.

  2. Feelings aren’t (always) the truth [John 8:33] - In order to be free, you must first acknowledge where you are. Lying about where you are in life creates pride, and pride creates an allusion, making us settle for less than what Christ prescribed for our future.

  3. Jesus has made us free [Romans 8:15] - The ultimate success of what Christ accomplished on the cross was empowering us to say “no” to what has held us captive. Once you accept that Jesus has liberated you, you will receive strength to say no to every thing that tells you not to progress.

I pray that God gives you vision to see yourself as He sees you. As long as you use the wrong lenses, you will never believe that He saw You when he called you. If you can’t see, you won’t believe. You will know the truth [Jesus] and his perspective and work will make you free!

Connect With Us

There are many ways that you can fellowship with our ministry, even if you don’t live close enough to worship with us in person. If you would like to learn about becoming a member, future outreach events, or desire to partner with us in prayer or financial support, connect with us.


Worship for the Week

If you’re looking to add some worship to your week, here is the playlist from last Sunday and two new songs we’ll introduce this week.

See you next Sunday,
Pastor Marcus


Sunday Recap - Believe Anyway


Sunday Recap - Is It Worth It?