Sunday Recap - Is It Worth It?

From Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sunday Recap outlines sermon notes, testimonies, and announcements to encourage you throughout your week and inspire you to fear less and love more.

What is satan tempting you to settle for?!

Whew! I’ll be the first to say that starting anything isn’t easy. Largely because it’s never been done. But wherever you are in your personal journey through life, know that satan desires to tempt us all into using tiredness as a reason to quit. Whatever God has called you to or invited you to partner with him in the earth to do, is worth the struggle. Take a nap, pray, talk to someone, recharge, or refocus. Do whatever you have to do to fix your eyes on God’s promise and see it through. Your future depends on it.

Is it Worth It?

Last Sunday we began a teaching series on our church’s six (6) values that make up our motto “fear less” and “love more.”

The first item up for discussion was our value: take risks. In order to achieve anything of value in life, you must take risks. True success never comes without effort. However, the journey can become so difficult that it seems pointless. It's important to remember that when you start questioning whether it's worth it, God is building something greater within you.

Here are the three (3) points to keep with you this week as you navigate the faith moves in your own life:

  1. Only seeing the negative will make you miss God’s opportunity [2 Corinthians 11:24-27] - Fear will cause you to focus on what you stand to lose and miss what you will gain with God’s invitation to success. Without focus on God’s promise, all risk seems like an insane idea.

  2. No risk can be compared to God’s reward [Romans 8:18] - The losses associated with doing good and following God seem to outweigh the reward. However, God’s reward always outweighs any loss for the kingdom’s sake [Matthew 11:27-29].

  3. Growth is a reward within itself [2 Corinthians 12:10] - The thing we’ve prayed for is not the real goal. The real reward in every situation is growth – a spiritual and eternal blessing that cannot be bought and doesn’t expire. After we have suffered, we mature and grow in our relationship with God as our strength.

So is it worth it to trust God? Absolutely! There are no losses in God’s kingdom. Our Lord has promised both reward in this life and the one to come for anyone who takes risks for the purpose of fulfilling God’s mission.

Watch the Word

Some have asked when we’ll start live streaming our services. The answer is “one day” 🙂. We’ve been really intentional about not exploiting sensitive moments that are happening in worship. God is tangibly meeting people during our services and we want to protect those moments of vulnerability before Him.

However, we are working on capturing moments that can build our faith throughout the week. Check out the first one from this past Sunday.

Worship for the Week

If you’re looking to add some worship to your week, here is the playlist from Sunday and two we’ll introduce this week.

See you next Sunday,
Pastor Marcus


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