Sunday Recap - Change the Outcome

From Sunday, August 27, 2023

Sunday Recap outlines sermon notes, testimonies, and announcements to encourage you throughout your week and inspire you to fear less and love more.

I knew that Sunday's message would shift our perspective and understanding of faith, but I didn't expect such a strong response from everyone.

After the sermon, during the altar call, everyone just sat in worship, praying out loud to God, and confessing their faith in God’s promises. It was a beautiful sight to see — families holding one another and praying together. Individuals laying hands on themselves and prophesying healing into their own lives. All of the praise was a response to the truth that we don’t have to (always) accept the final outcome. There is hope beyond every “mountain” we face.

Change The Outcome

In Sunday's sermon, we discussed how Jesus often "declared the end from the beginning" [Isaiah 46:10] by starting his statements with "amen". Amen is usually used as an agreement to hearing a promise meaning “it is so!” But when Jesus uses it at the beginning, it means “I’m promising you that it will be so!” In Mark 11:22-24, Jesus demonstrates this truth first by cursing the fig tree and it responds. Later he teaches his students that even mountains can move if they can only believe and don’t doubt. This lesson introduces the idea that it’s possible, through faith, for God to change the outcome.

Here are the three (3) points to keep with you this week:

  1. God’s consistency can’t be judged by human failure [Mark 11:22] - You can trust in God because he is consistently faithful. Be careful not to allow your issues with people to confuse God’s ability to follow through with his word.

  2. Believe it before you speak (pray for) it [Mark 11:23] - It is important that we take the time to truly understand what we are asking for before we pray about it. Otherwise, our requests will only lead to frustration.

  3. Faith (in God) can change the outcome [Mark 11:23] - God does not play favorites when it comes to blessings or miracles. Focused faith in God from any human, whether young or old, rich or poor, has the power to remove obstacles from our lives.

This week, remember that God has the final say. You don’t have to accept every outcome in your life as His final word. Believe again, hope again, try again, in Jesus’ name.

A Prayer Of Protection for our Youth

The first day of school for many in Guilford County was marred by yet another campus shooting in our country. Although it has become traditional to have a Back-to-School prayer as a single event, events like these serve as a reminder that we need God's protection on a daily basis. In light of this, I would like to offer a simple prayer for parents to teach their children to develop trust in God for ongoing protection. Teach them that their prayer can change the outcome in their own lives.

Prayer for Protection: “Dear God, you are my protector. Keep bad people away from me and keep my family safe. Wherever I go, send your angels to protect me.” [Psalm 91:9-11]

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Worship for the Week

If you’re looking to add some worship to your week, here is the playlist from Sunday and a new one we’ll introduce this week.


Sunday Recap - Unfrustrated Prayers


Sunday Recap - Look Again