Sunday Recap - Look Again

From Sunday, August 20, 2023

"This is how we're starting?" has been the shared expression of our core team for the last few weeks. This past Sunday, our first day of worship together, was no exception.

My plan is to send out what we call a "Sunday Recap" every Tuesday. This recap will outline my notes, testimonies, and announcements to encourage you throughout your week and inspire you to fear less and love more. Here’s to our first!

Look Again

In Sunday’s sermon, I challenged everyone to reconsider what trusting God looks like in our everyday lives. Using the life of Abram (later Abraham) [Genesis 15:1-6], we explored how God’s promise of having a son was actually a challenge for him to reconsider what God was trying to do with his life. While Abram longed for one child, he discovered after another look [Genesis 15:5] that God really wanted to birth a nation. Here are the three (3) points to keep with you:

  1. God speaks to us [Genesis 15:1] - No matter where you are in life, God will find you and speak directly to you.

  2. God speaks to our deficiency [Genesis 15:4-5] - When God speaks, He often declares the opposite of your deficiencies. If you are weak, He will declare strength. If you are poor, He will declare wealth.

  3. Being faithful to God and living stuck may look the same – our perspective is the difference [Genesis 15:6] - Trusting God often requires waiting while life passes you by. Even if it seems like everyone around you is being blessed, remember that God's promise is worth the wait.

Whatever request you have before God, there’s more that He desires to do for you. Accept the challenge to “look again” at His promise. This week, dare to believe that he not only knows what you’ve asked for, but he is planning to exceed your expectations.

Two Lives Rededicated

I am humbled to share that our first worship service had seventy members and guests in attendance. However, the most worthwhile moment was witnessing two men of God rededicate their lives to Jesus Christ as his disciples.

Worship for the Week

If you’re looking to add some worship to your week, here is the playlist from Sunday.

See you Sunday,
- Pastor Marcus


Sunday Recap - Change the Outcome


Time to Launch